Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Random Thinking

Today's post will probably be random thoughts that pop into my head... So try to follow along... It's a new day and it's another day to get some stuff DONE!!! My hope today is to get some things accomplished. I always have great ideas. My problem is getting those ideas into reality! And sometimes I find that someone else had that great idea along with me~I just didn't know it! Ha! I'm really good at thinking stuff up, just horrible at making it happen. Guess I live in a fairytale world sometimes. But as I sit here "blogging" I wonder how to get all these ideas floating around in the sea of my head (yeah, there's no air there baby) out onto the paper that's waiting ever so patiently to be used for an awesome creation. Of course, if I would get off the computer and get on with business, I would find out! Still, here I sit. Wow...too depressing! Okie dokie~ so, the new CTMH papers are totally awesome! The new CTMH products are totally awesome! And the ideas are flowing! Once I get my act together & get some things created I will be posting those awesome things right here for you all to look at and share with your friends! Oh yeah, invite your friends to visit my little Buttons 'n Brags online studio. There "ain't" much here to look at...yet...but I'm working on it. Honest I am! Invite them to check out my CTMH website and go shopping! Hey, you can shop in your jammies even~ I'm all for that! There's some really neat stuff there & some really great deals. So don't miss out on that. Alright, for now I'm done randomizing! Hope you were able to follow. Until next time~ I promise to have pictures for ya!

Scrappingly yours... Shelley

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I'm such a procrastinator!! I wish I wasn't, but alas...I am! I am so far behind with my blogging that I just realized that my last post was a month ago...sheesh! I know that I need to get busy. I know that I need to keep on top of things. Honestly, I AM busy and I AM on top of things. Just not with my CTMH business. It is lacking, and for that I suffer. Not only am I behind with my blogging, but my CTMH website as well along with my projects for Fall! And Fall is my favorite time of year! Yes, I'm using lots of exclamation marks in this one...they're for the frustration I'm feeling!! I need to get busy...did I say that already? Well, I do! I can't express myself enough. Anyone out there feel as frustrated as I do right now? Anyone out there feel like they're taking two steps forward and three steps back? I DO!!! ~*Sigh*~ Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Another day in which to attempt to get things done. Another day in which to attempt to pull myself out of this funk that I'm in. Until then ~ Lord, help me to have the patience to proceed with this journey I'm on. Please help me to continue to move ever forward!