Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I'm such a procrastinator!! I wish I wasn't, but alas...I am! I am so far behind with my blogging that I just realized that my last post was a month ago...sheesh! I know that I need to get busy. I know that I need to keep on top of things. Honestly, I AM busy and I AM on top of things. Just not with my CTMH business. It is lacking, and for that I suffer. Not only am I behind with my blogging, but my CTMH website as well along with my projects for Fall! And Fall is my favorite time of year! Yes, I'm using lots of exclamation marks in this one...they're for the frustration I'm feeling!! I need to get busy...did I say that already? Well, I do! I can't express myself enough. Anyone out there feel as frustrated as I do right now? Anyone out there feel like they're taking two steps forward and three steps back? I DO!!! ~*Sigh*~ Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Another day in which to attempt to get things done. Another day in which to attempt to pull myself out of this funk that I'm in. Until then ~ Lord, help me to have the patience to proceed with this journey I'm on. Please help me to continue to move ever forward!